LIVE May 15, 2018 – Catalina Cruz double penetration threesome 2 men

I remember a time when I use to get comments from the peanut gallery over my limits in porn of what I was choosing to do. “Why do you only do threesomes with Brandon? That doesn’t seem right.” The decision was always up to me every single time. From the very beginning, what I was attracted to was creating a fantasy with what turned me on and what I felt like doing. It is important not to be forced into anything sexual or just for money because then it just is not enjoyable at all. So, I’m very happy I am a late kinky bloomer. I guess you can say, it is time to explore now and I believe that time is different for everyone. For some people, being kinky, having a threesome and anal sex may not be their cup of tea. I grew into who I am sexually over time and I think this has made me love it more and not get burnt out quickly. I am very excited to explore more and have my very first DP with two men finally. I am going to do it live on cam in less than two weeks, on May 15th at 8pm ET. The whole show unedited will release too afterwards for members in 4K and VR in case you can’t make it to the live cam event.

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Double penetration has been one the most requested scenes for me to do. I am super excited to fulfill this fantasy for many of you and myself. It will be a first for me in my personal life too so this will be reality live on cam. I have done threesomes with two men in my members area but never a dp with anal sex too. Here are some pics warm us up for the show. Join my site so you don’t miss my first DP LIVE.

Hope your hump day is going well. I just realized this blog and photos are just perfect for hump day! 🙂 Love, Catalina Cruz

Come play with Catalina Cruz live on cam at her official website.

Original post by webmaster

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