Is The Bitch Trying To Invade My Space?

The 18 year old came by tonight and wanted to be around me while she studied – I didn’t understand her fuckin logic. Doesn’t me being around defeat the purpose of concentrating? I told her it was a bad idea and she should go to the bookstore or library, but she put me in a corner when she said, “but in order for us to move forward in our relationship, we’ve got to learn how to focus on what’s important to us while being around each other”. The fuckin broad had a point – I guess we were slowly making the “settling down” transition.


I decided to bake a frozen pizza for dinner as it was the easiest thing to make. I was in lazy mode and didn’t feel like slaving in the kitchen – especially when I didn’t even plan any company tonight. The 18 year old didn’t mind having pizza either, but if she did, then she would have to get her ass up and cook something else because pizza was on my menu tonight.


As I flipped through the television (mind you, she’s studying right beside me), I came across Ugly Betty and she immediately dropped her book and told me to leave it on that channel. Let me reiterate that – she told me, not asked me. That shit may fly if she was invited over, but how dare she try to take control of my TV when she was an uninvited guest. I didn’t feel like fighting so I told her I was going to take a dump; I grabbed my laptop and went into my room (and locked the door behind me).


My “girlfriend” was irritating the fuck out of me tonight and even though I could have hit that vise tight cunt, I felt like she didn’t deserve my cock tonight. Instead, I spent time with Jenaveve at while cooped up in my room. This slut had everything I needed to make me calm down, take a deep breath, and head out of my bedroom relaxed. Thank God for a FREE TRIAL. I left my bedroom with a refreshed mind and spent “quality time” with the 18 year old.

Original post by webmaster

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