I Love Porn!

teen deepthroat

You may surprised but I have a HUGE porn collection. I’ve never taken two cocks on film but I like to wathci it. I’ve got like 5 days worth of porn on my hard drive, not my films might I add. When it comes to porn my taste is quite… unusual. Sometimes I like really offensive stuff but usually I just stick to the weird. Maybe it’s because I have to look at porn/genitals all day because of what I do for a living and it has made me numb. Some of the downsides of the job ;) But on the other hand I do remember being interested in the “unusual” stuff even before I had seen any porn at all. I’ve always had a good imagination, so to speak, and I actually get the best kicks with just using my imagination.

I use my imagination a lot on my site… click here to go there!

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