Does the G spot exist?
I know that some people are going to find this hard to believe, but more than 60 years after gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg first spoke of the existence of a highly sensitive spot on the vagina wall, the famous G-spot is still the subject of debate. Experts have yet to agree on whether the G-spot actually exists or not. Some say it does, some say it doesn-t. One of roots of the issue is the fact that Grafenberg has never published any evidence to support his claim. For 62 years many experts have simply assumed that he knew what he was talking about.
The G-spot has been regarded as a sort of magic button that would allow any woman to reach orgasm through vaginal stimulation. This is what led at least one of the leading sex therapists in the U.S.A. to suspect that Doctor Grafenberg might have been influenced by Sigmund Freud-s belief that orgasms obtained outside vaginal intercourse are not mature. However, there is no way of knowing what evidence prompted Grafenberg to announce the existence of the sensitive area that still bears his name.
The thing itself is supposed to be a highly sensitive area located a few inches inside the front wall of the vagina and a huge number of men and women have chased this elusive spot with mixed results. A study focusing on biopsies of women failed to find a significant increase in nerve endings in the area where the G-spot is supposed to be located. On the other hand, a study conducted by Doctor Terence Hines, from Pace University-s Department of Psychology, aimed to provide a clear answer to the question. Eleven women were examined by two gynecologists, who concluded that four of the women did indeed have G-spots.
This goes to prove that no two human beings are built exactly the same. The pleasure one woman feels from having a penis rub over her G-spot, is not necessarily felt by other women. Unfortunately, the myth of the G-spot is firmly entrenched in the pop culture of our times and many women and men have experienced frustration at their failure to find the spot in question. As the studies mentioned above have shown, not all women are born with a high enough sensitivity in that part of the vaginal wall, while still others have no special sensitivity in the G-spot at all.
The bottom line is that women who can-t find this famous spot behind their pubic bones should not despair. It simply means that that particular area is not highly sensitive, which is no big loss. The clitoris is enough for a lifetime of orgasms and you don-t have to spend hours looking for it. On the other hand, if you are one of the women who has a G-spot, then kudos to you. You have a way of making intercourse even more pleasurable and you-re not likely to get bored in bed if your partner knows his way around G-spot stimulation.
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