Do Ten Years Really Make A Difference If You’re A Man?

Okay, so there’s supposed to be a huge difference between someone in their late twenties and someone in their late teens; but I don’t feel any different than I did when I was 18. I mean, sure, I’ve experienced more and matured a bit (I would like to think), but my desires and goals in life haven’t changed—maybe the avenues to attain each goal have, but not the end in mind. Money, pussy, and getting high mixed in with a little bit of traveling are all I need to be fulfilled. I still can’t imagine marrying ANY chick with the way the laws work in California. The potential of having to pay alimony to some broad I mistakenly married doesn’t sit well with me. Matter of fact, it sounds like the stupidest fucking decision a man can make. To me, marriage is a dead institution—nothing more than a legally binding agreement that doesn’t have a single advantage for the guy. Maybe one—you need a fucking green card.


So I’ve been thinking about my 18 year old piece of ass. Should I continue to bang her, while banging her friends? Well, technically, I haven’t railed any of her friends just yet, but it’s going to inevitably happen, starting this weekend. Tight shaved 18-20 year old ripe pussy drives me crazy and nothing compares to the feeling of fucking vise tight cunts and little pea sized ass holes of these youthful blossoming women. Even if she catches me in the act cheating on her, why the fuck should I care? I’m a motherfucking man.


In my eyes, the 18 year old is going to grow out of her sexy phase one day, so why not get the mileage I can get out of her now, while she’s still young and fresh? Everybody wants to fuck, and as you get older, that’s all any man gives a shit about doing. That’s why I take advantage of a FREE TRIAL. Just look at Amber’s willingness here. This young whore at performs like a fucking pro and is the reason why I can’t get married—ever. There is so much young uncharted pussy I need to dive into. You should be gettin it. Get it while the gettin’s good.

Original post by webmaster

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