We are Siamese if you please….badump bump bump…We are Siamese if you don’t please..badump bump bump..Do you see that thing swimming round and round; Maybe we can reach on in and make it drown; If we sneaking up upon it carefully; There will be head for you and a tail for me…Man do you remember those freakin evil Siamese Cats from Lady and The Tramp ? They were freaking satanically evil and Disney I’m guessing used it as some kinda metaphor to show us that while Oriental Women are very sensuous, seductive and very pleasing to the touch they can also be downright devilish…which yes can be a good thing in bed but be on guard. Anyways the Bejing Olympics are in full swing so let’s take a look at some hot Oriental sluts and see what we judge their bedroom gymnastics routines at.
Now though the title is a little mixed up since it implies that these oriental orgasm-machines are the ones with Lollipops instead of being the ones enjoying the lollipops that they obviously crave sucking on and savoring I’m guessing that understanding this misnomer is one of the mysteries of the orient. The chicks in this movie have all the mystique and legendary seductive sexiness that everyone associates with them and if sex were an Olympic sport this year they would certainly be in running to bring home the gold (except that they are at home this Olympics already). While not one of the most intense movies I’ve seen, the heat from the sex scenes and exotic slut factor gets Asian Lollipops 6 four Olympic sized cocks-up.
Original post by webmaster