K…Im guessing you’ve seen Casino Royale…not the stoner Peter Sellers/David Niven one. The new one. Felix The Lucky Slave 5 is just like it. Well just like the torture scene near the end anyways…so if you’re some kinko who found yourself getting hard or wet watching it then this movie is for you.
Like this Felix dude is messed right up (guess it goes with being named Felix) and a total masochist. First we get treated to scenes of his previous adventures which include being tortured with syringes and then embark on a trip of watching him get whipped HARD and everywhere in every position by a couple big titted chicks who even tie up his balls and then whip the hell out of his cock and balls.
Crazy shit man…I give it just one cocks-up for Felix The Lucky Slave 5 and thats cos my cock wants to keep up and wary cos its too scared to relax after watching this.
Original post by webmaster