Exploration of sensual sensations and of the way the body responds to such stimuli starts early on in all human beings. By the time the teen years roll along, most people are familiar with the way their bodies are put together and know that their sex organs are very sensitive to the touch and not in an unpleasant way.
Children also know that playing with them feels good, despite the attempts of adults to discourage these activities. It doesn-t really matter how adults handle this and how many taboos they might invoke, people are naturally curious about everything and this one big mystery is high on the list of priorities. The fact that many adults refuse to discuss the issue about it just makes everything more interesting.
And all exploration starts with touching and continues with masturbation. For most children, this is the gate to sex and the beginning of the path to the huge world of sex and pleasure. And it-s a good thing this is comes early in a person-s life. Although masturbation and lack of knowledge about the physical side of the opposite sex are not the best way to prepare for intercourse, knowing oneself is still better than ignorance.
In the Victorian age, a certain English poet abstained from all manner of sex in order to be a virgin when he finally married at the age of 28. At the end of the wedding night he was extremely disappointed to find what intercourse actually was. He had hoped for something far grander, especially since he wrote love poems. However, his view of passion was completely unrealistic and led to a crushing disappointment.
Masturbation helps people learn what they really like when the clothes fall off and also what they would like other people to do to them. Knowing more about the pleasure they experience makes people more likely to understand the pleasure of others and to want to explore new ways of getting more of it for themselves and for their partners.
Communication of what we want and what we need is one of the most important parts of a successful sex life, since guessing is not a good option. And imagine what an amazing surprise it is to find that your partner is also interested in masturbation and not in the least shy to share this intimate act with you. Mutual masturbation can be a very tender act between two people who really know how to give and take pleasure.
It is worth noting that masturbation is a good option during those times when intercourse is not easy to come by. If you don-t feel bound by moral, religious or other duties, then there-s no reason to avoid getting rid of your sexual tension by masturbating. You-ll certainly feel more relaxed afterwards and the others will profit from your improved mood as well. A satisfied person is a person less likely to quarrel and start conflicts in the office or at home.
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Original post by Latin babe gets it from behind