Hell-fuckin-o, the 18 year old came by today sniffling and shit with bags under her eyes. She started off by telling me that she’d called in sick to work for the evening, telling her boss she didn’t have the strength to make it through a shift. She was an emotional wreck and didn’t sound like she could handle making a sandwich, much less ringing up customers all night. Yeah, I may be heartless for not even considering living together with her, but that’s the bastard I am. I need my fucking privacy sometimes.
She, again, asked me if I had slept with any other girls since we’ve been together. There was a “tell me the fucking truth” tone of voice she had. So I looked her square in the eyes and said, “It hurts me that you don’t trust me”. She said that she hates how much of an insensitive asshole I can sometimes be. I listened to her complaints and shit, nodding and answering when appropriate, but quickly found my mind wandering toward her succulent tits. I wanted them in my mouth, and at that moment I decided to say and do whatever I had to get her out of her clothes. What the fuck, man?!? What could I do? All I wanted from this girl was sex, not this crap relationship-to-the-next-level talk.
I never intended to disregard her feelings, but all I kept hearing was “blah, blah, blah”. So I had to give her a glimmer of hope. “I love you, you know that, and I want to eventually move in with you. Let’s keep things fresh for right now by living in our own space because being together FOREVER will happen in the future” was roughly how I put it. It scared me how easily this flowed out of me, and you should have seen the look on her face. She was thrilled at the fact that I considered “forever” with her and two minutes later I could smell the moisture of her pussy.
We had some damn good “honeymoon-style” sex and after, as we lied together on my big comfortable bed, I started thinking about The Devil’s Advocate and all the times Pacino would talk to Keanu about the perks of the Dark Side. That shit makes a lot of sense now—almost as much sense as wanting to fuck Honey here at FuckHerRight.com. I’ve seen the light of the Dark Side, and it’s truly a dazzling color—it makes life worth living.
Original post by webmaster