Yo-Yo diets
Most people who have ever tried dieting have at one time or another gone through yo-yo diets. These are the classic ideal of all those who don-t like what the measuring tape is telling them about their waists and thighs. Everybody wants a diet and some pills that can help them shed a significant number of pounds fast. In a week or two, if possible. However, all those pounds that you have been fast to discard are coming right back in the next month or so. Probably with some liver or stomach problems from the pills used to speed up the process.
Yo-Yo diets always sound like a good idea because people don-t like to think that weight problems are long-term problems which should be managed as such. They are looking for the miracle cure, the three-day wonder that would fix everything in a couple of days. Unfortunately, long-term problems solved in three days have a way of refusing to stay solved. It-s a sort of nudge from Mother Nature reminding us that we should not try and hurry things, especially when it-s impossible to do so. It doesn-t matter what the labels of dozens of pills say because weight loss is not a short term problem.
The best weight loss advice one could get comes from dietitians and physicians, but people tend to stay away from these professionals. Their answers offer no hope for a simple solution and their eating plans and diets seem to take forever. Nevertheless, these neglected experts know that the body has gained weight in time and will shed it in the same manner. Trying to force a new weight gain/loss rhythm is not healthy for the body and fast diets always end up causing damage to the internal organs and decreasing the muscle mass.
What a Yo-Yo diet can never give you is the guarantee that all the weight lost in one week won-t return after a couple of glasses of soda and two or three burgers. A proper diet that takes at least four weeks to complete allows the body to get rid of the accumulated fat and not of water or muscle mass. Crash diets that cut off your intake of calories may seem to work for the moment, but your body is going to pay a heavy price as the internal organs are left without the required daily nourishment.
Short term solutions always lead to long-term disasters and what looked like a sound proposition yesterday might prove to be a health hazard tomorrow. While your weight problem is nothing to be proud of, there is no magic solution that is going to make everything right just like that. You are going to have to put together a sound eating plan, exercise on a regular basis and make sure you-re not putting anything back on. There are many recipes fit for dieting that you can choose from and even cook yourself. Dieting is always simpler than it sounds. It starts with you reaching out for a bag of snacks and remembering that an apple would be better for both your waistline and self-esteem.
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Original post by admin